You Make Your Own Destiny 

Here I am at 2 am.. just now finished working. And as I lay here telling myself I need to go to bed because I have work early tomorrow I think to myself how much this will all be worth it. I took on a side business (younique) knowing I work crazy weird hours at the Stanley. Knowing that I have two cats, a dog, and a turtle to take care of. Knowing I want to start school in the fall. Knowing that I want to help my parents out at their shop in Estes Park. And even despite being crazy busy all the time already I decided to pick up another responsibility of selling makeup. 
Why? Because I want to earn money for myself. I want to work hard and watch it all pay off. Sitting around and waiting for something magical to happen and waiting for my life to take off is silly!! You can’t expect your life to just all of a sudden be grand and wonderful. You have to put in the work. And the amount of work you put in depends on how your life will be. So I will continue to work my butt off to earn money. I will take the hate from my friends telling me I’m too busy for them and telling me I need to relax and live a little more and enjoy being 21 a little more. Because I know I’m building my destiny. I am building a life for myself, by myself. I refuse to take the easy road and just pray that I’ll get a job that pays well and leaves me time to have a social life. I will work until I’m able to relax and be able to know that I can because I have built a life for myself. I will continue on that work grind every single day. And one day? My bank account will look great. And I will feel great because I know how hard I worked to get to where I need to be. And that is the most important part to me… 

Now time for me to actually get some rest so I can start all over tomorrow! Goodnight world. If at the end of the day at least one person is inspired by this. I will be satisfied. Because all it takes is a little push to get you started and a lot of determination to continue on this path. One person inspired me and now I will continue to try and inspire others the same way. Believe in yourself and you can make anything happen. 

Younique Adventures Await!

Those of you who know me, know that I have recently become a presenter for Younique Makeup. Those of you who do not know me, now you know! I am a presenter for Younique and I’m loving every bit of it.

I’ve heard a lot of remarks lately about how “I’m too much of a tomboy to be a presenter for a makeup company” Or “I don’t wear makeup enough to make it worth it”. Not all these comments have been directed at me but some people have said it’s weird for me to sell makeup due to my main hobby. Dirtbiking. I just wanted to talk about that for a minute.

I got my first dirtbike when I was 7 years old. My dad was taking me to school that day and as we left the house he shouted out to my mom “Hey, we are going to buy dirtbikes today!” She laughed and brushed it off, thinking he was just crazy. Well, when my dad picked me up from school that same day, he took me to the motorcycle shop and we did, in fact, buy two dirtbikes. Needless to say, my mom was totally shocked when we got home. This started my entire obsession with riding and I have been riding and racing ever since. It’s become my hobby. My addiction. My life.

So when my friend, Marissa, said she was going to start selling Younique products and wanting me to sell with her, I was a little hesitant. For years, I’ve worn very little make up and been a huge tomboy. She told me about Younique. Told me about how all the products are made in the US, mineral based, hypoallergenic, not tested on animals, and gluten free I definitely saw how this could be a cool investment and probably an easy sell to some of my friends. So making money off of this didn’t seem that hard. Then she told me about how Younique actually works to support sexual assault. This caught my attention given what I knew about Marissa’s life and a few of my other friends. I started looking into this company and thought what the heck, I’d go ahead and give this a shot for her. I wanted to support my sister from another mister in any way I possibly could. So I became a presenter. This is when the hate started. People telling me dirtbikers couldn’t successfully sell makeup or that this didn’t fit my lifestyle so on and so on.

But here’s the thing… It doesn’t fit my lifestyle and that’s why this is so cool. It’s a new direction for me. A new door to open and go through with no fear. Because the people I have met through this company has made this adventure so easy and so worth it. Makes me forget about the hate I’ve received and makes me happy that I can be apart of such an amazing group of people. I am so happy I am able to share this opportunity with my best friend.

This company has taught me not only sportsmanship, but confidence as well. I was never insecure. My parents raised me to know my worth and to be aware of my own beauty. Some of you may be thinking “Wow somebody is cocky” and that’s fine. View that as you may, I believe everybody should see themselves as beautiful. Because you are. Everybody is beautiful in their own way. And Younique works to show women their true beauty. To build them up and make them feel empowered. This is truly amazing to me. I have learned how to care for myself and my skin and in the few weeks I have been using these products I have seen and felt an incredible change in my skin. If in just two weeks of me being a presenter I’m noticing these things, I cannot wait to see what else I will notice further down the line.

So, No, Younique does not fit my lifestyle. But it is shaping me to become more girly, and shaping me into more a woman. As silly as that sounds! But we all know when we were little girls, we looked up to somebody. A celebrity, a model, a singer. Somebody beautiful and we all at some point wished we could be like them. Well, that is what I feel Younique has done for me so far. It’s turned me into one of those beautiful women I looked up to as a child, a teenager, and as an adult. And I am blessed to be able to feel the way I do. Blessed to feel beautiful in my own skin. And I hope to one day, be able to help others feel the same way Younique has made me feel.

I attached a link to my Younique page here for anybody who would like to see the products they sell or read about the foundation and the cause this company supports. I also have a link to my facebook at the top of my blog site for anybody who would like to message me personally and talk! Thank you guys for reading, I know I rambled but I hope you will stick around and check out more thoughts, stories, art, and photos I have to share with you all!